A Patek Passed Down…

Watch Patina looks for stories that have the power to restore faith in traditional values of watch ownership or collecting, like passing down a watch. And what better example is there to remind us of the way things used to be than a vintage Patek Philippe recently inherited by the grandson of the owner…

Photo Report: RedBar Chicago

If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for reminiscing and documenting backstories. The pictures in this post do just that. They were taken by various members of the Commonwealth Crew over the past (almost) two years. Some were shot with cameras, but most with just a cameraphone. But what they all have in common is they were all shot in the presence of friends and all “for the love of Horology.”

In Patek He Trusts: Alex’s Nautilus

Any true watch lover would agree that along with death and taxes, the only other certainty in life is that a Patek Philippe will appreciate in value. For this reason – and countless others – owning a timepiece from this esteemed brand is an aspiration for most, if not all, watch collectors. A Patek Philippe can enter…